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办公室 Graduate Studies Academic Affairs

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Thesis/Project/Dissertation Information

General Information

What is a Thesis?


论文:对一个重要问题进行系统研究的书面成果. It identifies the problem, states the major assumptions, explains the significance of the undertaking, 阐述收集信息的来源和方法, analyzes the data, and offers a conclusion or recommendation. The finished 项目 [product] evidences originality, critical and independent thinking, appropriate organization and format, and thorough documentation.

What is a Project?


艺术:适合于美术和澳门博彩官网艺术或专业领域的重要事业. 它证明了原创性和独立思考,适当的形式和组织,和理由. 它被描述和总结在一个书面摘要,包括项目的意义, 目标, 方法, and a conclusion or recommendation.


What is a Dissertation?

论文是博士学位通常要求的主要研究项目的一部分. 人们期望论文对研究领域作出新的和创造性的贡献, or to demonstrate one's excellence in the field.


The 论文 shall be the written product of systematic, rigorous research on a significant professional issue. 论文预计将有助于在专业实践或政策的改进. It shall evidence originality, critical and independent thinking, appropriate form and organization, and a rationale.

Protected Writing Time

Protected writing time is a series of, 免费的, 在线研讨会旨在帮助学生完成招股说明书的写作进度, 论文, 论文, or capstone 项目. For more information, please visit the Protected Writing Time webpage.

模板 & 指南



请注意,当您通过我的萨克州帐户使用SharePoint时, 你的论文/项目/学位论文的格式将不符合以下模板中的格式要求. 因此, 当你的论文/项目/论文评审预约与研究生研究办公室的时间, 我们建议您从SharePoint下载文档,并仔细检查格式是否符合要求的指导方针. 如果您在审阅约会或最终提交期间提供和/或共享您的SharePoint文档, 你的文件很有可能会被标记为需要修改,这将推迟学位授予过程和学位的颁发.

Summer 2024: Culminating Experience Workshop

研究生办公室要求所有学生参加我们的强制性高潮体验格式研讨会. The workshop is designed to help students:

  1. Understand the final steps to degree completion;
  2. 格式化他们的最终经历(对于那些正在完成论文的人), 项目, or 论文);
  3. 具备综合考试学习策略(针对已完成综合考试的学生).

Registration Period

  • Registration Opens: June 7, 2024 at 9:00 am
  • Registration Closes: July 17, 2024 at 3:00 pm

Deadline to Complete the Workshop: August 2, 2024 at 11:59PM

Workshop Completion

Thesis/Project/Dissertation: In order to satisfy the workshop requirement, 学生需要完成所有模块,并在模块结束时完成测试. The quiz will test students on material covered in the preceding modules; to pass the quiz, 学生必须在测验中获得至少70%(10分中的7分). 学生可以无限次参加测试,直到达到最低要求.

Comprehensive Exam: In order to satisfy the workshop requirement, 学生将需要完成所有模块,并在模块结束时进行评估. There is no quiz for this workshop. 学生完成他们的评估后,他们会看到一个感谢信息显示, this indicates completion of the workshop.

Culminating Experience Workshop Registration

Fall 2024: Culminating Experience Workshop

Registration Period

  • Registration Opens: September 9, 2024 at 9:00 am
  • Registration Closes: October 25, 2024 at 4:30 pm

Deadline to Complete the Workshop: November 8, 2024 at 11:59PM

Summer 2024: Review & Submission: Important Dates


  • Students must have completed the mandatory format workshop 之前 to submitting their Culminating Experience.
  • Check-Ins are for students who are graduating in the current semester to submit their Culminating Experience.
  • No walk-ins will be accepted. An appointment is required.

免责声明: 我们已为所有即将毕业的学生分配了充足的预约时间. 但是,我们鼓励学生在提交周期的早期注册预约. Failure to sign up for an appointment, 和/或出现预约可能会延迟学生完成学位的时间.

学生应该被告知,如果他们在提交期开始后取消预约, OGS cannot guarantee another appointment will be available, 因此, 学生可能需要更改毕业日期,并在下一个提交周期内提交.

How to Make an Appointment:

When you click the link below, you will be redirected to the appointment registration website; follow these instructions to schedule your appointment:

  1. 点击 Schedule An Appointment on the right hand side of the screen.
  2. Type of appointment: select 建议 in the drop-down selection.
  3. Service: scroll to Graduate Studies 并选择 T/P/D Review and Submission
  4. 选择一个可用的约会日期和时间(从下表)为您的审查日期.

注意: 如果你是大学的工作人员(现任或前任), 您需要将EAB中的视图更改为“学生”,因为它将自动显示您的“员工”视图.


  • 2024年7月29日(星期一)至2024年8月2日(星期五)上午9:00至下午3:00;

Registration Opens: July 8, 2024 at 9:00 am

Registration Closes: August 1, 2024 at 3:00 pm.

Deadline to submit: Friday, August 2, 2024 at 3:00 pm.



  • November 25-28, 2024 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • November 29, 2024 from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm;

Registration Opens: November 4, 2024 at 9:00 am

Registration Closes: November 27, 2024 at 4:30 pm.

Deadline to submit: November 29, 2024 at 3:00 pm.

囊状态 Scholars

What is 囊状态 Scholars?

努力增进获得知识和信息的机会, 萨克拉门托州立大学要求研究生谁有部门批准的论文/项目/论文以电子方式提交.

澳门博彩官网(CSUS或萨克拉门托州立大学)使用 囊状态 Scholars 收集、保存和传播萨克拉门托州立社区的学术成果.

How do I learn more?
